Friday, April 30, 2010
In Transformative College Literacy of Literate Black Women, I was definitely moved by the passage where Vania talks about how she could care less about being considered a black woman, she wants everyone to look at her and see a follower and seeker of God. I want to carry that same concept with me. The experiment conducted as part of the scholars program was a revelation. As a high school student, I went to two very different high schools, a diverse well known one in the north and a less diverse more African American one in the south. It never occurred to me to think that some people do not use racial judgment just more of foreign judgment, as if I am not; sure, how you will react therefore I shall not speak to you in a manner that might make you upset or anger you. I now see the way people approach others in a different light. This experiment was well thought of and I never seen life through a peer counselors eyes. I was in a situation where I was usually the only black female person in general, and I could not' accept it. It is not that I did not like the whites, I just felt like I could not relate to them, and I was afraid of how they would approach me. This transformative literacy also caught my eye when it spoke about direct reflection. We of course look at ourselves in a "mirror" and reflect on different parts that are needed to change, I just did not recognize how important it was to look at that first and realize self-literacy and reflection
Voices of Our Foremothers
Sunny-Marie Birney's Voices of our Foremothers related a lot to my life. It takes a village to raise a child is what many West Indian families discipline their children by. Growing up I had many mothers and fathers outside of my biological ones that were not afraid to set me straight when I went wrong. I always had someone to turn to when I needed aid, whether it is the school crossing guard, teacher, principal or neighbor. My mother set relationships with everyone so that no matter where I went there would always be someone there looking out for me.
As I got older, I realized the relationships that my mother formed were not petty but beneficial. As Sunny-Marie Birney stated that, she decided to make a commitment to educate the African American Community. I have also made the decision to become an educator off the experiences I had being nurtured in the classroom by teachers who viewed me as more than just a student but one of their own children. I can understand how the teachers that Ms. Birney encountered made such an impact in her life that she carried with her into adulthood. Reading Voices of our Foremothers made me reflect a lot on my life and how it paralleled Ms. Birney’s .I want to make that impact on my students as Ms. Birney’s teachers and herself did.
-Nehemie Villarceau
When reading Elaine Richardson’s She was Workin like Foreal I was alarmed at how nonchalant some of the girl’s responses were towards the video Tip Drill. It was also very disappointing given that I seen the video personally and was disgusted by it. The vulgar dance moves and lyrics made me feel personally disrespected. Even though I know, I do not fit into the category of a Tip Drill and vow never to do so, I know people who watched the video probably would not feel the same. The image portrayed by the gyrating Black women that allowed the St. Lunatics to do obscene things to them reflects horribly on the rest of the African American female race. People who are disconnected from the world learn about other cultures from what they read and view on television. If this image is what they see, you almost cannot blame them for believing that this image stands for the entire race. Personally, I do not blame the St. Lunatics who are the artist to the song for filming the video I blame the “models" who agreed to participate in this activity. The women did not come into the video blinded, they knew very well what the job entailed and knowingly participated in it. Videos like Tip Drill should not be produced any longer but for that to happen women need to stop allowing themselves to be degraded in these videos.
-Nehemie Villarceau
Protect and Serve
When I read the title of the article “To Protect and to Serve” I thought about our past readings and how our government does not always protect and serve everybody. I felt that black people are always faced with low standards. They always expect the low class people to be the ones to cause the issues in our society such as stealing, when professional people steal and take away from our government in scandalous ways. Black woman played a vital role in our society. Elaine Richardson claims that, “Woman is the child’s first teacher, who protects it even in her womb and begins to socialize it”. I agree with this quote to a certain extent because even before you go to school your mother is there teaching you little melodies and lullabies. From the little kicks and growing physically and emotionally while experiencing motherhood both the mother and child become connected as one. Then I think about the irresponsible mothers who are not able to help their child when they are struggling in school, and don’t even try to get help for themselves. Black women should be recognized as brilliant and resilient. It was black women who take care of their masters children and balanced the roles of the white mothers so that their maters would be satisfied. The only way that we can change what society is to reform what is continuously breaking apart our society, and everyone of us should be willing to protect and serve in our country.
Welfare Brat
“My Life as a Welfare Brat” is an amazing story about woman on welfare. It shows how people can change their lives around. This was an adventurous transformation of a former welfare queen who portrays black women’s literacy. It illustrates how many black women weren’t born into ghettos where black people could read and write. They were forced to learn how to survive and hustle for their selves based on what they could get from their society. In the beginning of the chapter “My Life as a Welfare Brat”, there were the two women on the on the Oprah Winfrey show talking about how proud they were to be on Welfare. They were taking for granted the checks they were receiving from the government, food stamps, and Medical Assistance. Linda had been collecting money from welfare for an entire decade. She believed that welfare was not a privilege because she felt like they owed her for being a single parent mother. Linda felt that the only way she would benefit from welfare and food stamps was to take away everything from the program, even if it meant abusing the system. If that meant selling food stamps that was okay because the money was given to her and it “belonged” to Linda. She chose to live her life off of taxpayers so that she could stay at home and provide for her child. As you continue reading the Linda analyzed problems behind the Food Stamp Program through her room mates. Leona and Brenda used to have problems with Brenda’s social worker because welfare didn’t like Brenda living with another family member. They feared Leona might be supporting her younger sister and that Brenda might share some of her food stamp benefits with Leona. The sisters even had to keep their food separated in the refrigerator in case of an impromptu visit by the social worker. This book is relative to the Black Women's Literacy because we have to learn to follow the rules and especially the laws. Sp much people are going to jail because of breaking laws that they never even knew about. You have to learn to ask questions and avoid caous.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I typed in black girls and young black girls in Google and was astonished to see what Elaine Richardson said was true. I scrolled down and went through pages trying find something positive about black girls, and I found nothing; the pornographic websites littered the page. It made me wonder of how many people typed the same thing in Google and though that black girls were whores and had no class. When I typed young white girls or white girls, porn did not show up. The heavy contrast was extremely disturbing.
Elaine Richardson’s To Protect and To Serve states “music videos, television talk shows, new shows, newspapers and, tabloids show us one sided and often times disfigure the representation of African American females” (Richardson 677). I think this is very true but I also think that African American women have the duty and power to break the mold. I find that some African American prefer to settle for what is given to them instead of striving to become better than the ghetto project girl that society expect them to be. Reading the excerpt in To Protect and To Serve made me appreciate attending Spelman College even more. I know that not every female here was born with a silver spoon but we are all here striving to buy our own spoon. The decision to attend Spelman makes the statement that as an African American female you choose to be educated and not settle for anything but the best.
- Nehemie Villarceau
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